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Motor vehicle accident and Auto injury

A motor vehicle accident is always unexpected, stressful, at times confusing and mostly painful. Motor vehicle accidents can have a devastating impact on different parts of your body. Seeking early medical treatment, including Physical Therapy is extremely critical if you want to achieve your prior level of function and quality of life. Even if your accident was considered minor, the effects on your body can be severe and debilitating. At Quintessence Physical Therapy in Austin, TX, we go the extra mile for you to ensure that your experience after your car accident is stress-free and focused on restoring your health, mobility and reducing your symptoms.

After being involved in a car accident, patients may feel immediate effects or they may not feel the effects until a few weeks later. Regardless, it is vital and prudent to seek auto injury rehabilitation immediately to ensure proper alignment, muscle strength, and movements are restored following any impact. Physical therapists are experts of the musculoskeletal system which allows them to best treat underlying injuries that commonly occur during an accident. Some of the common injuries with car accidents are - whiplash, mid back pain, low back pain, SI pain, sciatica, pelvic floor issues, labral tear, herniated disc, contusion, concussion, ligament injuries, PTSD, fractures, spinal cord injuries, burns, etc.

Car accident victims are more prone to chronic symptoms if the correct treatment plan isn’t completed immediately after the accident. The best chance of not suffering through the long term side effects such as chronic pain, soreness, radiating pain, headaches, degenerative disc disease, dizziness, loss of concentration, inability to focus, pelvic floor issues and many more, is by seeking physical therapy as soon as possible. It is very common that victims do not experience the severe symptoms immediately after the car accident however, a few weeks later will notice that their minor pain hasn’t subsided. Do not allow these pains or minor symptoms to linger for months and years down the line, as they can become chronic. Research indicates that physical therapy can significantly alleviate or completely resolve these issues following a motor-vehicle accident or an impactful event.

The injuries sustained in an automobile accident can cause a host of problems for years to come or even the rest of your life if left unattended. You owe it to yourself to come in and get checked.

It can take some time to recover completely after an auto injury, but working with a physical therapist can substantially speed up recovery time while improving your overall strength and mobility. We understand that this time can be especially difficult for you and Quintessence physical therapy will work with you to make it simple, easy and stress free. Contact us to get the help that you need. Call 512-200-3945.

If you have Personal Injury Protection (PIP) or Medical Payments (Med Pay) coverage, your auto insurance will pay for medical bills.  Either of these is considered your primary source of medical insurance, which means it needs to be exhausted before utilizing your health insurance.  

If you do not have either PIP or MedPay, then your health insurance can be used subject to normal deductibles, copays, and co-insurances.

Your options for your visit to be covered financially:

You can choose from the plans below that you wish to be billed on your behalf.

1) Your automobile insurance, also known as Med Pay, Personal Injury Insurance (PIP) or Under-Insured Motorist Insurance (UIM). You may not be penalized for using your personal automobile insurance for payment of your medical bills. Normal limits range from $1,000 to $25,000 per person. You can verify the total amount of your Med Pay Coverage by checking the “Declarations Page” provided to you by your insurance company under “Coverage and Limitations” or by simply calling your agent. Please provide this information to us on your first visit if you choose this option. We will submit each visit to your adjustor for reimbursement.

2) Third party automobile insurance, the automobile insurance company of the party that caused the accident and your injuries. If he/she was at fault, the third party may be responsible for your claims. This may involve, or may not involve an attorney. If you do not have an attorney, then we will submit each visit to your adjustor. If you have an attorney, then we will only communicate with your attorney. In certain cases, we might accept LOPs/liens. Call us to learn more.

3) Out-of-pocket, You pay completely on your own at each visit and you may submit for reimbursement yourself to your own health insurance.

We will only submit billing on your behalf if you are representing yourself (meaning you do not have an attorney). You will need a claim number, your adjuster’s name, and your adjuster's phone number that was assigned to your claim. If you need an attorney, we can help direct you.

We require all of our MVA patients to sign a lien/LOP (look below for what a lien is). Therefore, any treatment that is denied or not paid for by the PIP carrier or auto-insurance is the responsibility of the patient to pay at 100%. Denial and non-paid services are rare for most of our patients. However, in order for us to safely protect our interests and receive future payments for any medical treatments we render to you, we require this lien to be signed by you and either your automobile insurance company (if representing self) or your attorney.

What is a Lien / LOP?

It is a document signed by the patient and either their attorney or adjustor in order to protect Quintessence Physical Therapy's interests in the event of a settlement. Many insurances send payments for rendered services directly to Quintessence Physical Therapy. However, some insurances may send payments to the patient, or the attorney, in order to pay for the therapy services provided by Quintessence Physical Therapy. This document assures that neither the patient, nor the attorney or adjustor, will uphold these payments belonging to Quintessence Physical Therapy. It is merely a requirement that we, as your medical provider will be paid for the services we render to you.

It will NOT affect your credit unless we do not receive payment for our medical services. In the case that we do not receive payment for our services, your credit could be affected if we have no alternative but to turn the matter over to a collection agency after proper notice is given to you. This is an extremely rare occurrence with motor vehicle accident patients that receive treatment at our locations, but something we still take very seriously.

Motor vehicle accident and Autoinjury: Text
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